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Sabrina McClune

Man and woman in office discussing secure email solution
5 Min

8 Secrets To Creating Organisational Change Without Rocking The Boat

In 2022, financial services firms will continue on a trajectory of rapid digital transformation. But how do you make change...

Business professional stressed in office working at computer
3 Min

9 Cybersecurity Stats Independent Financial Advisers Need To Know

Safeguarding confidential information is a priority for IFAs. Discover the 9 cybersecurity stats you need to be aware of.

IFA explaining how email encryption works to colleagues in board room
4 Min

IFA Email Security: How to Protect Your Business and Safeguard Clients

Email security is more vital than ever for financial advisers. There has been an 81% increase in...

Man sitting with laptop writing secure email
3 Min

Secure Email User Report 2021: How Are Customers Using Mailock?

We surveyed our users to gain insights on how they use secure email and the benefits they see. Gain...

Team talking about sustainable business operations
10 Min

Sustainability In The Financial Services: What Comes After COP26?

What does COP26 mean for the financial services and what needs to happen next? Get the answers from...

Woman using Outlook to send confidential data
8 Min

Should You Use Outlook to Send Confidential Data?

For businesses, email is a simple way to send confidential documents and...

Contact centre staff stressed out at desk
4 Min

5 Processes Your Financial Services Transformation Has Overlooked

73% of enterprise transformations fail. We compiled evidence from over 16 key...

man using outlook on device in his office
Outlook Email
9 Min

The 15 Best Microsoft Outlook Add-ins You Didn't Know You Needed

Discover the 15 best Microsoft Outlook add-ins to help you boost productivity,...