How Aegon Saved an Estimated 270 Tonnes of CO2 Using Unipass Mailock
2 min

How Aegon Saved An Estimated 270 Tonnes Of CO2 Using Mailock

Life and Pensions provider Aegon joined the network by deploying Mailock in late 2019. They launched Mailock to enable them to send sensitive documents and information securely by email, as a response to the rising risk of cybercrime in the financial services.

Why Secure Email?

As well as data breaches resulting from human error, email interception is a real issue with figures from UK Finance showing that Push Payment Fraud resulted in hundreds of millions of pounds of losses during 2019.

This form of fraud often involves the interception of emails and encouraging an individual to make a payment to a scammer's account.

“This initiative is another enhancement designed to help keep advisers and their customers safe. We have a responsibility to protect sensitive data in all our communications and the launch of the Mailock system adds to the existing system controls we have in place to protect against fraud. The flexibility of the solution means that regardless of whether an adviser is already using it with their clients or it’s their first time, the integration with Unipass Identify makes it an effortless process.”

— Ronnie Taylor, Chief Distribution Officer, Aegon

The Mailock system uses advanced encryption to make sure both the sender and recipient can precisely authenticate each other’s identity, enabling providers, advisers, and their clients to communicate safe in the knowledge that they know exactly who they are communicating with.

Aegon offices

A Sustainable Solution

Since going live with Mailock, our proprietary carbon calculator estimates Aegon has achieved around 270 tonnes of CO2 savings.

Sending documents digitally eliminates the need for carbon-intensive activities like paper production and transport.

Not only are digital document transfers secure and sustainable, they meet the expectations of instantaneous communication in a digital world.

“This dramatic reduction in the need to print and post important paperwork is one of the key ways that financial services companies can make significant CO2 emission savings by examining their day-to-day operations. Invariably, this will mean digitising processes to create greater efficiency, security, and regulatory compliance, discarding legacy ways of working which are inconsistent with net zero targets.”

— Ronnie Taylor, Chief Distribution Officer, Aegon

With the annual COP26 conference in Scotland, the UK is collaborating with countries worldwide to ensure net zero is reached by 2050, along with the aim of reducing carbon emissions by 78% before 2035.

Industry Leading Security

Mailock, the leading secure email solution for the financial services, is provided by Beyond Encryption in partnership with Origo, who are passionate about their contribution towards the global agenda.

“Tens of thousands of intermediaries are already using the industry solution with increasing institutional adoption. Aegon’s carbon-saving success demonstrates the considerable impact big corporates can have in a short period of time by digitising their communications."

— Paul Holland, CEO, Beyond Encryption

Contact us today for a free demo if you're interested in using secure email to digitise your adviser and customer communications.

Deliver sensitive information securely with Mailock


UK Finance: Cross-sector cooperation needed to tackle rise in authorised push payment fraud, UK Finance, 2024

Reviewed By:

Sabrina McClune, 05.06.24

Sam Kendall, 05.06.24

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