Case Studies

Paris Smith Takes Client Security To The Next Level With Mailock

Written by Sabrina McClune | 27 11 19

We have completed the initial rollout of our industry-transforming secure email messaging system, Mailock, with one of the South Coast’s leading law firms, Paris Smith.

Mailock, our easy-to-use secure email system, will empower Paris Smith to communicate securely with their clients and other legal practices, regardless of whether they are using a laptop, tablet, or mobile phone.

Mailock protects the content of an email message, plus any attachments, using military-grade encryption and ID verification to ensure sensitive data is only ever made available to the correct recipient.

Our solution enables businesses to send and receive confidential email communications securely, quickly, and efficiently, safe in the knowledge that only the intended recipient can read its content.

The rollout of Mailock is well-timed, as Paris Smith re-affirms its pledge to place client security at the forefront of its service.

Paris Smith’s managing partner, Peter Taylor, said:

Cyber-crime and unlawful interception of email communications are key business risks of the modern age. Paris Smith is taking a proactive approach to mitigate these risks to our business and that of our clients.”

“The firm has secured the Government’s Cyber Essentials standard. We have partnered with Beyond Encryption, who are specialists in the field, to ensure a high level of security for our electronic communications.

These invariably contain confidential and sensitive information for our clients, so it is vital that we take our lead and advice from the experts to ensure client confidentiality is both preserved and protected.

Beyond Encryption’s Mailock® product allows our clients simply and securely to receive and reply to email communications”

Paul Holland, CEO at Beyond Encryption, says:

“We’re pleased to be working with Paris Smith, who are an innovative and client-led practice. Legal work inherently involves dealing with high levels of confidentiality, so we are delighted that data security is at the heart of their business.”

Reviewed By:

Sabrina McClune, 05.06.24

Sam Kendall, 05.06.24