How The Right Mortgage Keeps Email Data Safe With Mailock
2 min

How The Right Mortgage Keeps Email Data Safe With Mailock

The Right Mortgage is a financial services network for mortgage and protection brokers, fully supporting over 700 members across all areas of business growth and customer outcomes.

A large part of their support package focuses on helping member firms remain compliant, keeping their businesses and hard-earned reputations protected.

With the introduction of GDPR in 2018, The Right Mortgage adopted Mailock to meet data protection regulations and ensure email data security for both them and their members.

This military-grade email encryption tool has kept the confidential data included in purchase documents and applications safe, ensuring only authorised individuals are able to access and read the information.

"When you’ve got 700 advisers dotted all over the country with different levels of experience and technical ability, it certainly helps if the system you’re recommending they use is simple and straightforward."

— Ben Allen, Compliance Officer, The Right Mortgage

Simple As Well As Secure

When considering investing in a secure email solution, ensuring the software was easy to use for both the sender and recipient was a key consideration for The Right Mortgage.

financial adviser speaking with couple

By offering Mailock in conjunction with their Customer Relationship Management system, The Right Mortgage provides a fully-rounded solution whilst catering for all levels of technical expertise.

To further support the introduction of Mailock both internally and for advisers, the Mailock team offers dedicated support throughout the trial period and beyond.

"The support is there should you need it, but if I’m perfectly honest, we don’t tend to call support very often because the system works in a very straightforward manner."

— Ben Allen, Compliance Officer

The Obvious Choice For Data Encryption

The Right Mortgage benefits from a range of Mailock’s features:

  • Secure emails with end-to-end encryption
  • Immediate access and ease of use
  • Simple integration with existing platforms
  • Cost savings from not using couriers for sensitive documents
  • Fully scalable technology tailored to their needs
  • The ability to add company branding to emails
  • Special rates for their network members
  • Support from Beyond Encryption’s team of specialists

It’s not surprising that the decision to use Mailock was, for The Right Mortgage, ‘a no-brainer.’ Or, that they now encourage all their advisers to use Mailock for their data encryption.

"It’s the ability to send information quickly, easily, and it adds credibility to our proposition. That’s important."

— Ben Allen, Compliance Officer

Secure Your Data With Mailock

The Right Mortgage’s forward-thinking approach to data protection provides their members with a choice of solutions to suit their business needs, pairing maximum security with high efficiency.

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Deliver sensitive information securely with Mailock

Reviewed By:

Sabrina McClune, 05.06.24

Sam Kendall, 05.06.24

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