How to add/invite users to join Mailock

To start with, navigate to the Company Admin portal

Sign-in using the same details that you used to sign up with during the registration process for Mailock. Please note that only users designated as company owner or company administrator are permitted access to the portal.

Once logged in, select the 'Users' option from the left hand menu. 

From here, there are 5 tabs:  

Users - provides a view of all users that have a Mailock Pro licence in your company. You can quickly see totals showing the number of users, pending invitations and number of licenses and can find users easily by searching for their email address.

Invitations - displays all active, incomplete invitations that you've sent out. Invitations remain active for 10 days, after which they will expire and will have to be sent out again.  Invites can be resent if, for example, the recipient has lost the invite email. Bear in mind, that a licence is allocated to each active invite so you may need to delete an invite if, say, it was sent out to the wrong email address.

Shared Addresses - lists all email addresses currently set up as shared. For further info on how to set up a shared address please click here.

Owners/Administrators - lets you give other users access to Company Admin. Owners and admins have the same privileges apart from that only owners can add or remove other owners. Two things to remember - there must always be at least one owner, and you can't delete yourself as an owner. If you want to do this, make someone else an owner, then have them remove your owner permissions.

You can invite a user within both the 'Users' and 'Invitations' tabs.


Invite Users

To invite a new user, click on the 'Invite User':  

This will bring up a form where you can enter the necessary information for the new user. Once you have filled in the required details, simply click 'Create' to send the invitation:

Check the ‘invite another’ button if you have more than one user to invite. 

If the 'Invite User' button is greyed out, all licences have been taken up, we can add further licences to your account, please contact us via and we'll help you further with your licence requests.

When you submit the completed invite form, an email is sent to the user to complete:

Once the invitation has been sent you can use the ‘Resend’ button to send the invitation again, if needed:


If you have a large number of users to invite, use the 'Import Users' option to add them in one go.