Getting started with Company Admin

Company Administration console - An overview

You can access the Company Admin portal here

Each tab within the Company Admin portal has the following functionalities. Included, are links to the relevant features to get you set up easily:

Dashboard - Quick overview of the recommended settings you can configure for your company,  all the invitations you have sent, both those that have already been activated by the invitee and those that remain pending activation and links to the essential knowledge base articles to assist you. 

Users - Provides an overview of all users that are activated to use the system. You can:

Company Settings - There are a variety of features within here:

Subscription - Your company's subscription details can be found here, there is also  an area to add/amend payment method and cancel your subscription 

Audit Trail - A record of all your company admin activities, further details can be found here

For further in depth guides on each section within the Company Admin portal, click here