Email Auditing

Maintain audit trails for secured emails

Mailock sent items tracker for email auditing

Maintain complete oversight of your secured emails with Mailock's email audit trails. Accessible through the 'Sent Items' link in the Mailock interface or via our Outlook add-in, this tool offers a streamlined view of your sent communications, enhancing your ability to manage and monitor secure emails effectively.

Overview and Search Functionality: Quickly view totals of sent messages, recipients, unopened messages, and revoked messages, offering a snapshot of your outreach and security status. Use the search and filter options to locate specific emails by recipient, subject, or date, helping you track recent activities or specific communications.

Message Details and Management: Each line item in your sent items provides detailed information including recipient, subject, date sent, and open status. Emails sent to multiple recipients are itemised for clarity. Navigate through your messages easily with sorting options and pagination controls.

Security Controls: Track revoked and expired messages, clearly highlighted for quick identification. This aids in managing the lifecycle of sensitive information and ensuring compliance with data policies.

Mailock’s email auditing capabilities ensure that every secure communication is accounted for, providing essential tools for effective and compliant email management.

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