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New Partnership Gives Members Access to Cybersecurity Benefits

Members of The Right Mortgage & Protection Network can now access our military-grade email encryption service at discounted rates thanks to a new partnership.

The Right Mortgage & Protection Network has become an affiliate with us at Beyond Encryption, securing special rates and terms for its members.

Beyond Encryption is a leading cyber security firm that provides a military-grade email encryption service called Mailock. Our system protects sensitive information sent via email by encrypting it.

As an additional security measure, senders can authenticate their intended recipient's identity with a question only the two parties know the answer to. Mailock can easily be added to an existing email platform such as Outlook, meaning no extensive training for staff or IT downtime.

Mailock can be easily integrated with existing email platforms like Outlook.

Adam Stretton, Managing Director of The Right Mortgage & Protection Network, said:

“We are pleased to have signed up with Beyond Encryption’s Mailock for our own encrypted email system. Being able to send our data-sensitive emails via Mailock’s 256-bit encryption is a massive benefit for the network and means our members know that their sensitive data is secure. Using competitive rates, we have managed to secure with Beyond Encryption, we are also encouraging our members to sign up to the service to give them another option to securing their client's personal data.”

Paul Holland, our CEO, added:

“We’re thrilled that members of The Right Mortgage & Protection Network can get access to our system at special rates. It’s a fantastic added benefit, particularly in our post-GDPR world where data protection is more important than ever.”

Email is the world’s preferred communication medium. 280 billion emails are sent every day. However, sending an email without a system like Mailock in place is like sending bank or medical information on a postcard.

CEO Paul says:

“Most people assume that if their email provider is a big, well-known name that their emails are protected. That’s certainly not always the case. Cyber criminals can read information and attachments sent via email, just like someone in a sorting office could read your postcard. The risks with this are colossal. Often hackers intercept invoices sent via email and change the bank details to their own to steal the money.”

Members of The Right Mortgage & Protection Network can rest assured their emails will be safe from invoice fraud with our Mailock service, now available to members at special rates.

Deliver sensitive information securely with Mailock


Mailock moves closer to becoming the Financial Services industry standard, The Right Mortgage, 2020

Reviewed By:

Sabrina McClune, 03.06.24

Sam Kendall, 03.06.24


Originally posted on 01 07 19
Last updated on July 4, 2024

Posted by: Sabrina McClune

Sabrina McClune, an expert researcher with an MA in Digital Marketing, was a finalist in the Women In Tech Awards 2022. She excels in conducting and compiling research for B2B tech companies. Sabrina enjoys reading fantasy novels and collecting special edition books.

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