Secure Compose

Compose secure emails with Mailock

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Mailock simplifies secure email, whether you're using a desktop, a web browser, or automating the process with rules and keywords for encryption.

Our versatile solutions ensure that your communications are protected with robust industry-standard encryption, no matter your platform choice.

Outlook Add-In: Enhance your email security effortlessly with the Mailock Outlook add-in. This tool allows users to toggle between secure and standard emails quickly, with encryption activated at the click of a button. The add-in intelligently identifies sensitive content, suggesting encryption to maintain stringent security standards automatically.

Web App: The Mailock web app empowers users to compose and send emails securely from any browser, incorporating features like recipient validation and secure attachment handling. Ideal for those who switch between different devices, this option ensures that security is maintained without the need for software installations.

Automated Delivery: Utilise Mailock's capabilities for batch email delivery to send multiple encrypted emails efficiently. Set up rules or include specific keywords to trigger encryption automatically, making it suitable for handling large volumes of secure communications with ease and consistency.

With Mailock, composing a secure email from your desktop or browser, or using rules and keywords for automated encryption, is straightforward and secure, adapting to your diverse communication needs.

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